The Best Balancing Act: 5 Reasons Why Dance is a Well-Rounded Activity

If you’ve ever taken a dance class before, you know that it’s a bit of a balancing act… pun intended! Our classes are jam-packed with conditioning exercises, skill drills, and routines that require a diverse set of skills. As teachers, we are often helping our students apply several corrections at once to make them the BEST dancers they can be! 

Because of all this, dancers are expert multi-taskers and versatile athletes. We know we are biased, but we truly believe that dance is unique because it cultivates a child’s whole self.

Dance is one of the most well-rounded kids activities out there, and we can’t wait to tell you why!

5 Reasons Why Dance Is a Well-Rounded Kids Activity:

1. All Elements of Physical Fitness

When it comes to athletic training, there are tons of ways to condition a working body. And of course, different athletes tailor their conditioning to whatever their specific sport needs most of. But dancers do it ALL! 

Flexibility, strength, coordination, endurance, balance… you name it! In our dance classes, we do the splits, get our heart rates up, balance in difficult positions, build muscle, and so much more. We move our arms, legs, heads, and hips all at the same time, building impeccable coordination. It’s no surprise that dancers become extremely well-rounded athletes!

2. Both Individual & Team Goals

Learning how to be a team player is a lifelong benefit of many team sports and extracurriculars. But while most sports are strictly focused on winning as a team, dance offers a child chances to succeed both individually and in a group. 

While drilling our pirouette turns across the floor, our dancers are focused on improving their own technique. If they nail a triple turn while the rest of the class is still working on singles, their individual success is celebrated. But while perfecting a recital routine, all dancers are working together as one to stay in sync and look amazing on stage!

3. Multitasking At Its Best! 

In just one pirouette turn, a dancer must remember the following: high relevé, straight supporting leg, pointed toe, foot connected to knee, hip down, strong arms, abs engaged, vertical spine, spot your head, and find a clear landing. Talk about learning how to multitask and remember a million things all at once!

4. Body AND Mind Working Together

There are very few activities that exercise a person’s body and mind equally, but dancing is one of them! Our students' memory skills are put to the test during their 3-minute routines, while they also get their heart rates up to start and end strong. Patterns, pathways of the body, and spatial orientation are all things that dancers learn while moving.

5. Both Creative & Technical Elements

Of course, we saved the best for last! One of the most beneficial ways that dance cultivates a child’s whole self is through the creative element. Yes, we drill technique and condition our bodies with repetitive exercise like most sports, but we also leave room for personal choice and self-expression. It’s incredibly rewarding to see a dancer bring their heart and emotions into their movement, especially when they really let go and just dance! 

Falling in love with dance (and sharing that love with young dancers) comes easy when it takes such a holistic approach to learning, moving, and expressing. But don’t take our word for it, try out a class today to see if your child loves it as much as we do! 

What To Expect at Preschool Dance Classes!

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One of the things that make being a dance educator unique is that we have the privilege of working with students of ALL ages! From teenagers to toddlers, our instructors are experts at reaching children right where they are at. Depending on the age group, our teachers place their focus on different goals to ensure that your child is challenged each week!

So let’s talk about our Preschool Dance Classes! They are enriching, engaging, and most importantly, SO much fun! While dance is something that can be learned at any age, we consistently see great value in starting from a young age as well. 

Is your tiny dancer constantly on the move? Are you interested in adding something fun to your preschooler’s schedule? Preschool Dance Classes at Positions may be perfect! 

If you’re considering signing your little one up for dance, here’s what to expect at our Preschool Dance Classes!

1. Engaging & Imaginative Class Activities 

From baking a cake during stretches to painting a picture during tendus, our teachers use creative storylines and prompts to get your children moving. Not only does this keep hold of their attention spans, but it also allows your child to use their imagination! Preschoolers LOVE learning through play and make-believe. 

2. Gross Motor Improvements

In our Preschool Dance Classes, we leap, skip, and gallop our way through class! Coordination and gross motor skills are sure to improve as those tiny dancers learn how to move their bodies in space. 

3. Putting Social Skills In Action

As parents, we teach our kids good habits and proper etiquette at home. But when children aren’t in grade school yet, it can be hard to know how much of those habits have really sunk in. At dance class, you’ll see your child’s manners and social skills put to the test. 

We work on taking turns, raising hands, listening to directions and more! We always see huge improvements as our students learn how to operate in a classroom setting.

4. Giggles Galore!

In addition to the many things that your child will learn in class, our Preschool Dance Classes are sure to add some fun to your child’s weekly routine! We love being silly with our youngest dancers and giving them a chance to really let loose!

While you’ll definitely see these wonderful benefits throughout the year, it’s important to remember that it may take a few weeks! The first month of preschool dance classes can require some patience as the little ones get acquainted with their class routine. Distractions, separation anxiety, and behavior management are common and all part of the learning process! 

With that in mind, we’d also love to mention the ways in which parents can set their preschooler up for success! If you’ve checked these things off the list, your child is ready to go:

  • Talk to your child about what to expect when they arrive.

  • Snack, water, and potty break before class!

  • Equipped with the correct dancewear and shoes. See our dress code here!

  • Shoelaces are double knotted and ballet elastics are tucked in.

So if you’re ready to see all these amazing benefits for yourself, head to our website to get registered today! We can’t wait to meet your tiny dancer. Our Preschool Dance Classes will help them turn their baby grooves into big-kid moves!

Summer Dance is Your CHANCE!

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Summer is wonderful for SO many reasons. For us adults, it means some much-needed Vitamin D. For kids, it's a well-earned, long-awaited break from long days at school. Most of us can probably remember that school’s-out feeling. The freetime that awaited was FILLED with possibilities! 

So what is your child hoping to get the chance to do this summer? Maybe they are dusting off those roller blades. Are they beaming up for family vacation? How about finally getting the chance to try out a new hobby or focus on their favorites? We’d love to hear what summer has in store for your family!

Right now is the perfect time to take advantage of our Summer Dance Classes! This summer, we’re offering a 6-week session of classes for all ages. Our fun-filled classes are a golden opportunity for an unforgettable summer. Check out these 4 reasons why Summer Dance is Your CHANCE! 

1. A Low-Commitment Way To Try Something New

Whether it be trying out your child’s very first dance class or simply testing out a new dance style, summer is the perfect time to branch out. With just 6-weeks of classes, you won’t be tied down if you don’t absolutely love it! Summer classes offer an opportunity to test out activities that your child might be interested in for the upcoming school year.

2. Packed With Technique

With only 6-weeks to move and groove, our summer classes are packed with technique. Our students rely on these technical foundations all year round!

3. Built-In Fun with Friends!

During the summer our kids are constantly looking forward to fun outings and special events with friends. When you sign them up for dance class, it’s a weekly guarantee that they can dance it out with their best buddies. 

4. Heightened Focus

We say it every year, and it always rings true! Our Summer Dance students always come to class with more energy, heightened focus, and an eagerness to learn. Without the added stress and fatigue from school, it’s a golden opportunity to improve on those skills!

Don’t miss your CHANCE! Sign up for Summer Dance today! Positions Dance Studio is proud to offer a full summer line-up of enriching programs for your children. Check out our list of classes here! 

It’s going to be a GREAT summer at the studio! We can’t wait to welcome you! 

Fall Fitness: Self-Care Season

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Happy Fall! We’ve survived our first (and hopefully our last) summer in a pandemic! On top of that, we survived a stay-at-home quarantine, and NOW the start of a socially-distant, masked school year. We’ve been through a lot!

This month on our blog, we are talking about self-care! Now that your kids are off to school and their Fall schedules are taking shape, it’s time to focus on YOU. This may be the first time you’ve experienced a kid-free house since March. So together, let’s make this Fall the Season of Self-Care! 

Ask any expert, and they will tell you that one of the best ways to care for yourself is to stay active and get those endorphins flowing. That’s why we are BACK and better than ever with the best Adult Fitness Classes in Babylon this Fall! Our classes are in-person with safety precautions in place such as limited class sizes and a pre-registration requirement. 

Who’s ready for some Fall Fitness?! Check out our class offerings and join us as we start a NEW Season of Self-Care! 

We’re putting this one at the TOP of our list this Fall because it pairs your workout with breathing and meditation… the IDEAL self-care combo! Get a full body workout through a series of poses that work on flexibility, strength, and stamina. Class finishes with a guided meditation! 

Mindful Movement
Another class that is not only a great workout, but also PACKED with self-care goodies! This class improves core strength and flexibility and always concludes with breathing/mindfulness exercises to help you conquer your day! 

Power Vinyasa
If you’re ready to take your gentle yoga flow up a few notches, join us in this class as we move through our poses and rock out to a new, upbeat playlist each week! 

Barre Fitness
A ballet-inspired workout that will help you tone your legs, lift your glutes, and strengthen your upper body and core. We even offer Barre Express options that will pack your workout into 30 mins for those of us who struggle to fit self-care time into our schedules!

Cardio Strength
This class is a well-rounded, full-bodied workout that incorporates strength training, stretching, AND cardio.

Adult Dance Classes
Dance is our FAVORITE workout here at the studio, mostly because you forget that you are working out! It’s easy to get lost in the music and the fun dance moves while you focus on new skills and technique. We’re offering adult ballet, tap, and modern this Fall which is the perfect way to pencil in some me-time!

Pilates is a series of exercises designed to strengthen and lengthen the core muscles, a great way to care for your spinal health and posture!

Ready to join us during our Self-Care Season?! Here’s how to get started while helping us stay safe this Fall:

  1. View the class schedule online! 

  2. Find the class and time that work best for you! 

  3. Click on your desired class and Pre-Register 

  4. Pay for your class at our drop-in rate OR purchase a class card!

  5. Head to the studio and get to sweatin’! Be sure to bring your own gear to class (mask, yoga mat, towel, and any props needed for class) due to our new COVID-19 protocols. 

  6. Smile and pat yourself on the back as you conquer a self-care win! 

We can’t wait to see YOU at our Adult Fitness Classes in Babylon this Fall! 

4 Reasons Why Being in a Dance Class is SO Important Right Now

4 Reasons Why Being in a Dance Class is SO Important Right Now

Being a parent during a pandemic is not exactly a walk in the park. When a child is hungry, you feed them. When a child is sick, you take them to the doctor. When a child experiences a pandemic, sees the world flipped upside down, and probably doesn’t completely understand why, you…? 

Well, if you’re feeling lost on how to support your kids right now, check out this great article from the Child Mind Institute that we stumbled upon a few days ago. It’s got some great tips! When we read it, we couldn’t help but realize that dance class just so happens to check off quite a few things on that list. 

Dance is amazingly beneficial for kids. We’ve known this for years, which is why we’ve chosen to dedicate our lives to it. But when we think about what kids NEED during a pandemic, dance class seems even more magical than ever before. We are SO excited to dance with your children this Fall, especially because we know they will need it more than ever before. 

4 Reasons Why Being in a Dance Class is SO Important Right Now:

1. Back to a Routine

Kids need structure in their lives, and with almost nothing normal these days, finding that structure is super difficult. That’s why a weekly dance class that remains consistent throughout the ENTIRE school year is so valuable right now. 

We guarantee that when you sign up for one of our Fall Dance Classes, your child will have something to look forward to every week. They will settle into a groove when they have that consistency in their lives. More importantly, when they have consistent activities and structure, they will be less likely to act out and need YOUR attention at home. 

2. Socialization

In the year of social distancing, all of us are feeling the negative emotional impacts of isolation and being apart from others. While we may not be able to help your kids feel physically closer with their friends, we certainly can help them feel connected once again. 

In dance class, the smiles are contagious. The community feel is automatic and comes about organically. When you’re in a room dancing together, you feel together, no matter how far apart. We can’t wait to help your kids bloom into the social butterflies that they were before quarantine!

3. Physical Activity

With many sports cancelled, and A LOT more use of technology over the past couple months, I think we could ALL use some move-your-body time. Here at Positions Dance Studio, that is what we do BEST! 

Send your kids to us this Fall for a full body workout and a feel-good endorphins boost. In class, we get our heart rates up while also utilizing muscle control and flexibility. Dancing really is the whole package. Not to mention our adult fitness classes! Come move with us this Fall! 

4. Supportive and Positive Adults 

We KNOW you’re already doing this at home. But parents are humans too, and it’s unrealistic to expect yourself to stay positive for you kids 100% of the time (especially during a pandemic). That’s where we come in. 

It’s our JOB to be there for your kids. Our goal is to bring our students unwavering and unconditional positivity. At dance, we’re here to build them up for their own sake, but also so YOU don’t have to be the only one doing so. We’re here for both you and your child, now more than ever. 

Are you ready to make all of this magic happen for your child this Fall?! We are too! We are now accepting enrollment for our 2020/2021 Dance Season. Click here to view the schedule and register today! 

Making this list got our warm and fuzzies going, simply because we LOVE what we do. It’s time for another great year of dance at Positions Dance Studio, and we can’t wait to bring your children all the things that they need MOST right now. 

Seeing the Silver Lining: Top 4 Takeaways of Online Dance Classes

Seeing the Silver Lining: Top 4 Takeaways of Online Dance Classes

Month number 2 of quarantine is almost complete and let’s be real… staying positive is not an easy task. If you let your mind start to wander too far, heading into worry-land happens pretty quickly. We get it and we’re here to offer support wherever we can. 

There is one positive thing that we all agree on at Positions: seeing your kids on zoom every week makes all of the madness disappear for a few hours. Not only do we love seeing their faces, but we’ve also been having tons of magical moments in class. While our online classes could never take the place of being in the studio, they are SO valuable during this time. 

Between our free and paid facebook groups, our LIVE classes on Zoom, and other fun initiatives on our public facebook page, we’ve completely dedicated ourselves to moving our programs online. As we witness our students learning in new ways and smiles flying left and right, we’ve been seeing the silver lining more and more. 

Check out the Top 4 Take-Aways of Online Dance Classes:

1. A Slice of Normalcy

Any sense of stability that your child was used to has probably shifted during this time. Schedules, schooling, social interaction, end of the year festivities… you name it, it’s probably been changed or non-existent. Which is why we LOVE providing our weekly classes. 

Your child sees their regular teacher just like normal. Your child can depend on the same class every week just like normal. Your child practices their recital dance just like normal. Your child reviews the same skills they were learning before quarantine just like normal. We hope this has lowered the levels of crazy at your house, even if it’s just for an hour each week! 

2. Staying Connected

One of the best feelings is when we unmute a child on zoom and they start exploding with stories and questions! We love watching as they finally let it all out. When we are all dancing together on the screen, everyone is reminded of the community we built at the studio earlier in the year. The kids feel like they belong again. We know they miss their friends and teachers, so we love giving them a chance to connect each week. 

3. Individual Attention

Besides dance class, when was the last time your child heard someone outside of their family say their name? It’s probably been a while. When we give our students corrections via zoom, we watch as their faces light up and they stand a little taller each time. It’s seriously magical!!

We recently read this article by the Institute for Family Studies that outlines 4 things that children need right now. Number one on their list is to feel heard. While our kids are muted, it may be difficult to accomplish this on Zoom. BUT, we do make them feel SEEN, which we would argue is EVEN better. It’s a good feeling to know that others are noticing you, seeing you, and investing in your success. 

4. A Creative Outlet

Even though your little ones might not understand the full capacity of the current situation, I think we all know they are feeling effects. When a child’s world gets turned upside down, it’s important to have a creative outlet. Just like our in-person classes, our virtual classes allow dancers to let go, forget about all the confusion, and dance it out! That has never been more important than right now! 

We hope this list gave you a glimpse into the warm and fuzzies that we feel during every Zoom class we teach. Their smiles are what remind us to stay positive during this time. 

While we know you might not get a “thank you” from your child after each Zoom class, trust us when we say that they are grateful. And from the bottom of OUR hearts, thank you. Thank you for your continued support during COVID-19. Thank you for supporting your child’s passions. Thank you for your flexibility and positivity. Our dance families are simply the best. 

Why We Are Thankful for the Arts

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Happy Thanksgiving! It’s almost time for Turkey! This time of year always makes us stop and think about how lucky we are. It’s the season of giving, the season of thanking, and for us, the season of DANCING! 

For most of us here at Positions Dance Studio, dancing is more than just a hobby. It’s what lights us up and keeps us going. We know that some of our dancers already feel the same way, and some of them are still figuring out what dance means to them. The arts can bring so much magic to a child’s life, whether they are just hobbies or lifelong passions. 

Today we are sharing the magic as we list 4 reasons why we are thankful for dance:

1. Self-Expression

Do you ever get sick of using words to explain how you feel? Us too! The arts let us take a break from the hectic world and dig down deep. Instead of talking, artists can make a dance, paint a picture, write a poem… the list goes on! 

We are thankful that we had dance growing up. It gave us an outlet for self-expression that made common struggles a whole lot easier. More importantly, it helped us learn how to think through our emotions and use them in a positive way. Artists of all kinds are usually pretty good at this skill because we have a safe space to explore the most vulnerable parts of ourselves. 

2. Performance Opportunities

Take it from us, there is NOTHING quite like getting up on stage and presenting your most lively self to an audience. Performing artists (like dancers, actors, and singers) rehearse long hours for performances as short as a couple of minutes. Why? Because the spark that happens at the theater is usually enough joy to last a lifetime. 

Witness the spark for yourself in just a few weeks at one of the best dance performances in Babylon! Our Positions Dancers are busy rehearsing for this year’s production of The Nutcracker! We are watching closely as these young, growing dancers step out of their shells and gain the confidence to dance on-stage with real professional ballerinas. Get your tickets online today!

3. Creativity

In today’s world, finding a time and place to be creative isn’t always easy. For those of us that have the privilege of a weekly dance (or painting, drama, etc.) class, we are able to break away from boring, every-day tasks. We get to create beautiful things and discover new ideas that come from the heart. 

Not only is being creative fun and exhilarating, but it also helps us celebrate our individuality. Even if two people are doing the same exact dance, it will never look exactly the same. Each dancer’s personality and individual style will shine through. The same thing goes with a painting or a spoken word poem. We are thankful that dance lets us be uniquely ourselves. 

4. Stress-Relief

We are confident that if you ask any of our older students how they feel BEFORE dance class, most of them will say “tired” or “stressed”. We are even MORE confident that if you ask them how they feel AFTER dance class, their answers will be a lot more positive. 

Dancing releases endorphins and gives you a chance to unwind. Creating something beautiful with your body makes you feel GOOD. Pushing yourself to try new things you’ve never done before is exhilarating. And above all else, a dance class is one hour of NOT thinking about your to-do lists, your personal drama, or whatever else is stressing you out. And for that, we are thankful. 

And with that, join us as we recite a big, giant THANK YOU. Thank you to the arts for making our lives brighter every day. Not everyone in the world has a chance to enjoy a dance class, experience dance performances in Babylon, or express themselves week after week. We are beyond thankful that we are the lucky ones! 

Be on the lookout for turkeys at the studio this month! We invite you to grab a feather and tell us what YOU are thankful for! 

Class Feature Time: Dance Abilities

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At Positions Dance Studio, we believe that dance is for ALL. We hold this value close when planning our schedule for the year and deciding what we want to pass on to our kids. Striving to make dance accessible for everyone, we create classes that welcome students from all backgrounds. 

Our Dance Abilities class is one of the classes we are proud to offer at the studio. This weekly class is specifically tailored for students ages 7-adult with Down Syndrome, Autism, and other developmental disabilities. In class, dance allows students to gain balance between the two halves of the body, express emotion, and gain muscle control, all while having a ball and making some new friends. We absolutely LOVE watching our Dance Abilities students grow throughout the year. 

So today we wanted to take some time to feature this amazing class on the blog. We truly believe that this class does wonderful things for our participants. Read on to hear about the Top 3 Benefits of Dance Abilities!

1. Confidence Building

We see it all the time, dance brings people OUT of their shells. The nonverbal nature of dance offers a great opportunity for special needs populations to explore their senses. This often leads to a burst of self-confidence, as our students learn to express themselves and trust their body’s abilities! 

More importantly, dance can feel vulnerable sometimes! We often see our Dance Abilities students start out the year with small, shy movements. But by the end, they jump right in with huge, full-bodied dancing. That right there is the beauty of trusting oneself! It’s so rewarding to watch as our students learn self-confidence through dance. 

2. Improved Coordination and Motor Skills

Right & left, up & down, open & close… our Dance Abilities students learn it all! Dance requires focus and muscle control to execute skills. We meet students where they are by breaking down skills and modifying our requirements based on their skill levels. They learn to use both sides of their body, move their legs and arms together, and even move in opposition. The improvements we see are truly amazing! 

3. A Sense of Belonging

This one is by far our favorite! Everyone deserves to feel like they belong somewhere and fit in with their peers. And we sadly know that’s not always the case for special needs populations. That is exactly why we are proud to offer Dance Abilities.

In class each week, our students dance alongside their peers, learning how to share space with others and use their bodies to communicate. We watch as they make special connections with other dancers and build friendships that matter even beyond our studio doors. Bring your dancer to our class to give them a consistent group of dance friends that they look forward to dancing with each week. Dance brings people together!

We can’t wait to kick off our Dance Abilities class this month! It is not too late to register! Head over to our website and sign up online! 

This class is SO important to us and we hold it near and dear to our hearts! Come see for yourself what Dance Abilities can do for your family!

4 Ways to Stay In Shape This Summer

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Summer is here! If you’re like us you are feeling lots of mixed emotions. YAY summer, let’s hit the beach and relax… BUT uh oh, that means we may LOSE all the technical gains that were made during the school year. 3 months without dancing is probably not a great idea for most of our dancers!

This month’s blog post is ALL about staying in shape. Join us on our summer fit mission! We want to help our dancers arrive in the fall strong and ready to pick up right where they left off. 

We’ve put together a list of our favorite ways to stay in shape over the summer for both dancers and parents. Don’t forget that we offer a FUN line-up of fitness classes for adults at Positions Dance Studio. 

4 Ways to Stay in Shape this Summer:

1. Take Class at Positions Dance Studio

Now we know we are a little biased, but we couldn’t leave ourselves off the list! Dance is ALWAYS our workout of choice. Most of the time, you get so lost in the music and the fun that you forget you are working out… and that’s the beauty of dance!

For Dancers: We know it might be tempting to take a break this summer after working hard all year. But trust us, coming back to dance in the Fall after 3 months of laying on the couch will NOT be fun! We have put together a great line-up of summer dance classes so you can stay in the studio over the summer. Summer is the perfect time to focus on your skills without the added stress of the school year. You will come back in the Fall stronger than ever instead of out of shape and playing catch-up!

For Parents: When we made our summer schedule we did NOT forget about you guys!!! We are making Positions Dance Studio THE place for adult fitness classes in Babylon this summer! Our schedule is packed with classes for every one of your workout preferences, from zumba, to ballet, to yoga. We’ve got you covered! Come sweat with us!

2. Get Outside

Don’t let this beautiful weather go to waste! It doesn’t come around often here in Babylon! :) Any workout is just 10 times better outside. Ditch the treadmill and take your run outside. Set up your yoga mat in the backyard and do some downward dogs. Spicing up your regular routine with some fresh air will give you that extra motivation you are looking for. 

Getting outside is super important for kids too! And the good part is, they usually love it! We know finding time to work out while also trying to entertain your kids can be difficult. Outdoor scavenger hunts, bike rides, and time at the park are all great ways to get your kids up and moving with you. The fresh air and sunlight will leave you all feeling refreshed and active!

3. Stretch, Stretch, and Oh Yeah, Stretch!

This one is mostly directed at our young dancers on summer break, but parents we are looking at you too! We remind our students of this regularly, but flexibility is a skill that requires consistent attention and leaves your body EXTREMELY quickly. 

For Dancers: If you go the whole summer without touching your toes, we promise your splits will be about a foot higher when you come back in the fall! We know finding the motivation and time to stretch amidst all the summer fun can be difficult. If you’re looking for some constant reminders and a little extra push, sign up for summer classes! At Positions, we will be stretching our splits ALL summer long in class. Will we see you there?

For Parents: Middle splits may not be a priority in this stage of life, but we can assure you that your body will LOVE you if you give it a good stretch every once in a while. Staying in shape is more than just burning calories and building muscles. It’s about making your body feel good. Stretching takes pressure off your joints by lengthening your muscles and giving them more range of movement. Say goodbye to aches and pains this summer and come stretch with us at our Adult Ballet, Adult Yoga, and Adult Barre classes. Check out the schedule here

4. Take Advantage of Pool/Beach Season

This one is our FAVORITE on the list. What better way to work out than at the pool or beach? 

For Dancers: Water ballet anyone?! No, seriously, do a ballet barre in the pool and we PROMISE you will be sore! The water provides extra resistance and will be sure to tone those muscles over the summer. An added bonus, dancing in the pool is great for dancers who are nursing injuries because it lowers your impact on joints. Dance physical therapists always recommend doing some relevés and jumps in the pool first while working back up to dancing! 

For Parents: Who’s in for a jog on the beach? What about a few laps at the pool? Or better yet, go for a jog TO the pool. Diving in is the best reward for a great workout. Make a splash this summer!

Making this list has us feeling SO motivated! So now let’s get to it! Put those phones down and get MOVING. But before you do, register for some classes at Positions to make sure you keep the hustle up ALL summer long. Thank us later! :)

4 Benefits of Summer Dance

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The sun is out and summer is here! We hope you are as excited as we are to finally spend some time outside! Our summer fun list includes yummy barbecues, pool time, and oh yeah, summer dance of COURSE!

At Positions Dance Studio, we think summer dance is super beneficial for our students. We highly recommend it to all of our dance families, from our beginners all the way up to our advanced dancers. Read on to find out 4 benefits of summer dance and learn more about our amazing summer class line-up!

1. Summer is the perfect time to try a new class!

One of the great things about our shortened summer session is that it is a fun, low commitment environment. The 6-week class session serves as a perfect sampler period to try out a new dance genre. If your kid tries a new class and loves it, then you know they are ready for more in the Fall. If not, no harm no foul!

For little ones wanting to try new classes, we recommend our Combo classes. Combo classes combine 2 dance forms to keep up with those short attention spans and also give them a wide variety of introductory dance skills! By the end of the summer session, your little one will likely know which dance style they liked more, or if they really shine in both!

If you need extra help picking a summer class, consider signing up for a FREE trial class! Trial classes are a great way to make sure a class and our studio is a great fit for your family!

2. Summer gives older kids the chance to focus on their skills without the added school-year stress.

During the school-year, our kids have a LOT going on! By the time they get to dance in the evenings, they’ve already had a long day at school, probably attended another extracurricular already, AND they have homework waiting for them at home.

Every summer, we watch our students attend class with greater focus and energy. Because of this, we witness TONS of growth and skill advancement that usually takes a lot longer during the school year.

For advanced students wanting to take their skills up a notch during our summer session, our intensives are sure to bring the hype. Intensives are a chance for kids to focus on their technique in a fast-paced and challenging learning environment. Get ready to sweat and dance the day away!

3. Summer is a great chance to introduce your little one to new activities and classroom environments!

Toddlers and younger kids can sometimes have a hard time adjusting to school and activities. Separation anxiety is common for kids leaving mom or dad for the first time! Our shortened summer session is a FUN way to keep kids in a routine over the summer and practice saying goodbye to mom and dad.  

Our “Dance With Me” (Mommy and Me) classes are perfect for first time dancers looking to work up to a regular class. Packed with fun songs, stories, and play, dancers and parents participate together and learn the dance basics. Join the fun this summer!

4. Summer dancers come back to class in the Fall stronger than ever!

Trust us, when we come back to dance in the Fall, our teachers can definitely tell who attended summer classes! Just like any other sport or activity, taking a 3 month break can hinder a child’s progress and set their skills back. We hate to see our kids make so much progress during the year and then lose it during the summer months! Register for summer classes and watch your dancer soar into the Fall!

We LOVE summer dance at Positions Dance Studio! It’s such a blast and SO good for our kids! Our summer session is sure to fill your kids summer with smiles and fun, as we have put together a packed schedule of the best summer dance classes in Babylon! Read more on our website and register online today!

5 Benefits of Performing

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Positions families! We are SO close! Recital is coming right up and we really think that this could be the best dance recital in Babylon yet! Our dances are starting to look fabulous and the students are beginning to feel the pre-show excitement. We can’t wait!

Aside from all the excitement, we also get a little sentimental around recital time. Our staff at Positions Dance Studio all treasure the memories of their dance recitals growing up. It is SUCH a special time for kids and families. We really value our Spring recital because it gives our students the chance to perform. Performing has SO many benefits for children, so today on the blog we wanted to share our 5 favorites!

Benefits of Performing:

1. Self-Confidence

Once you get on stage, the lights are shining, the music is playing, and the audience is watching. There is NO hiding. Performing is a great tool for teaching kids how to step out of their comfort zone and be confident in themselves.

At our dance recital, we see sparks light up in our kids every year. If they have insecurities, they are forced to leave them behind on recital day in order to shine on stage. Knowing your loved ones are in the audience cheering you on is a great feeling. And strutting off-stage after nailing a 3-minute dance routine is an even greater feeling. Performing builds our kids up and teaches them that they are capable of incredible things.

2. Goal-Setting

We love recital because it gives our kids something big to work towards all year. Everything we teach in class becomes a whole lot more meaningful to them when it means they will look AWESOME on stage. We work on setting goals throughout the school year in class and we love seeing them reach those goals on-stage.

3. Overcoming Fears

Performing teaches kids that they can do anything in life, even when it seems scary. It’s no secret that performing in front of a theater of people can be a little intimidating! All eyes are on YOU, which can stir up nerves and anxiety in many kids. We absolutely LOVE giving pep-talks backstage to nervous dancers before they step out. It is amazing to watch as they work through those emotions and get on stage despite their fears. Performing teaches them to let go, trust themselves, and just GO for it!

4. Teamwork

At Positions Dance Studio, we emphasize the importance of working together when performing and perfecting dance routines. We tell our students that the goal is to look like ONE dancer on stage by dancing perfectly in sync with one another. We use counts, music cues, and breath to help our kids stay together and work as a team. Teamwork is an essential part of life! Performing is a valuable tool for teaching kids to step outside of themselves and into something bigger.

5. Sharing Joy

This one is probably our favorite! Performing (and dance in general!) is FUN! It often lights up joyful feeling in kids. We tell our students that the stage is their chance to share their love of dance with others. When a kid learns that they have the power to entertain an audience or put a smile on someone’s face with their dancing, recital becomes so special. It is important for kids to learn that what they give to the world matters.

Putting together this list has made us even more hyped for the big day. Recital is so much more than just another day at the studio, and we hope this list helps our families see how special it is. Performing is fun, but what our kids gain from it is just priceless!

Tickets for this amazing show are available online now! We can’t wait to see all of our dance families in the audience cheering the dancers on. Be sure to check out our recital page to stay on top of important dates and info! See you at the theater!